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LEAN Management is a method used to enable continuous improvement in companies by minimizing waste and maximizing customer value. 


The aim of LEAN Management is to use resources in such a way that unnecessary steps can be eliminated through the systematic analysis and optimization of processes. 

in companies by minimizing waste and maximizing customer value. 



Lean Management Criterias


  • Standardization of working methods and processed


Clear, standardized workflows are introduced to ensure quality and identify opportunities for improvement 


  • Elimination of waste


e.g. overproduction, transportation, long waiting times & unused potential of employees 


  • Structured problem solving


Identification, analysis and elimination of problems by involving all employees

  • Operational excellence


Effective, cost-efficient processes and measures and the early identification and elimination of sources of error contribute to maximizing customer value and increasing customer satisfaction 


  • Visualization of performance developments and requirements 


visual aids such as process illustrations or key figures create transparency, among other benefits


  • Quality improvement


Products and services are offered in the highest quality; this sustainably increases competitiveness


  • Agile working methods and use of agile tools

Tools such as Kanban, Scrum and backlog management contribute significantly to a “culture of continuous improvement” in lean management  

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